Business Owners & Nonprofits

As a business owner, your personal financial needs and the needs of your business are often closely intertwined. As experienced financial professionals, we help you manage the financial complexities of owning your business. You’ve worked hard to build your business. Our goal is to find the best solutions using our access to a wide range of sophisticated business owner solutions.

Retirement Plans

Retirement Plans

We can help you navigate choose and implement an effective corporate retirement plan. High Ridge Wealth Management will assist you in developing a comprehensive investment program including plan menu design, investment policy statement, investment manager selection and ongoing due diligence processes. Our consultative business services help promote better investment outcomes for your employees.
Cash Flow

Cash Flow

It’s important to have a clear understanding of your business and personal cash flow. Depending on your situation, cash flow planning can help you better determine where your money went and where it will go in the future. Our team can provide you with a cash flow projection that helps you understand exactly where you stand at all times. For many business owners, this helps to more effectively manage monthly cash flow.
Concentrated Wealth

Concentrated Wealth

Holding a large position in your company’s stock increases your risk level compared to a well-diversified portfolio. While much of your wealth may be invested in your business, we recommend building a balanced portfolio based on your time horizon, risk tolerance and other circumstances. Our experienced advisors can evaluate your situation and recommend strategies to reduce the risk of holding concentrated stock positions including selling the security, using options to diversify, tax loss harvesting to offset gains, and other solutions.
Asset Management

Asset Management

Our investment approach starts with you. Using our disciplined planning process, we learn about you, your family, and your business. In creating your personalized investment plan, we consider your:
  • Return objectives

  • Risk profile

  • Cash flow and liquidity needs

  • Tax considerations

  • Investment timeframe


Risk Management and Insurance Strategies

For many business owners, risk management is crucial for ensuring business growth. Insurance plays a pivotal role in this process, offering protection against a wide array of risks that could otherwise jeopardize your family’s future and the success of your business. High Ridge Wealth Management can review your existing insurance policies and help you identify the most appropriate strategy for your situation.
Business Exit

Business Exit Strategies

While every business transition is different, as your financial advisors, we can help you through the business exit process. We'll work closely with you to identify and implement a business succession strategy that helps meet your needs, while planning for a smooth transition to the future owner. We can help you with a wide range of strategies including transferring ownership to a family member or selling to an employee or outside buyer.
Foundations & Endowments

Foundations & Endowments

We understand the issues endowments, foundations, and nonprofits face in funding their missions. Drawing on our team’s experience and our access to deep institutional resources, we offer insight, guidance, and sophisticated solutions. We can help organizations develop and execute investment strategies focused on what matters most to them and those they serve.
Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network and its affiliates do not provide legal or tax advice. Any estate plan should be reviewed by an attorney who specializes in estate planning and is licensed to practice law in your state. Insurance products are offered through nonbank insurance agency affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company and are underwritten by unaffiliated insurance companies.